We are so delighted you have made this commitment to elevating your Infant Feeding knowledge and that you are joining us on this exciting journey.
We want you to get the absolute most that you can out of the programme and fly through the course with grace and ease.
We have outlined below some of our top tips, how to get in touch if you are having any issues, what you can expect from us, as well as our expectations of you.
We honestly couldn’t be more excited about you joining the Infant Feeding Coach Community!
Throughout the course we will communicate via the The Infant Feeding Coach Facebook Community Group, which you will all receive an invitation to join, this has been set up especially for this cohort.
Please keep a close eye on this group for interesting articles and discussions.
You will also be part of a Whatsapp group for the duration of the course. Our Birth, Baby & You Company phone will be “admin” in the group but we will not participate in the discussions, this is for your use, to communicate with your fellow training IFCs.
If you have any questions or concerns please email admin@birthbabyandyou.co.uk and we will respond during office hours.
Intention is everything! Before you start, I want you to think about exactly what it is you want to get from this programme. Is it more money? Is it more clients? Or is it that you just want to get a better understand of Infant feeding, in order to use these skills whilst you are supporting your clients in the way that you already do. Is it to build new relationships with other people in your current field, or the field of Infant Feeding and meet potential new collaborators?
At this stage I want you to think specifically, not so much what you want for your business, but what you want from the course. What is it that you want to learn about Infant Feeding that has drawn you to this programme? And alongside that I want you to think about, what your intention is when it comes to engaging with the materials? Are you going to spend specific amount of time on listening to the modules and then filling in your workbook? What is your intention with our Facebook community group? Are you going to check in for 10 mins every day, share articles and ask questions, or catch up once a week?
I want you to think how you are going to apply yourself intentionally and I know that if you really do that you will get the most you can get out of this exciting Infant Feeding Journey.
The next thing I want you to think about is creating space in your diary.
What do you need to do for you to make your time in this programme to really impact your practice? This is so important. All of us have got 24 hours in the day and all of us are already using them! So how are you going to create the time and space for yourself to expand your knowledge with this programme?
What might you need to let go of practically, which will create the space you need for the 3 months of the course?
I want you to think, where can I create space in my life? Where can I create space in my diary? What can I put to the bottom of my priority list? Or delegate to somebody else, in order for me to create more time for the Infant Feeding Coach Programme?
Physically – where can you be asking for more support? Can someone else do any of the tasks that you do, in order to create the time to do the work, so that ultimately you can grow your business?
Finally, and this might be the most important one, what do you need to let go of Emotionally to enable you to expand your skills, knowledge and participation? – what stories about your capabilities do you need to let go of to really engage and get the best out of this opportunity? For instance, I am dyslexic, and this story held me back, stopped me producing this course for several years and therefore not fulfilling my true potential. This story stopped me making the huge impact that I want to make in order for new families to be better supported on their parenting journey and ultimately improving all aspects of the infant feeding world.
I’m going to ask you to write this down! Copy it on to a post it note, use coloured pens and stick it on a post it note to your computer screen!
Look at it every day.
Why is it important to you personally? Why is it important to your family? Why is it important to your clients?
What difference is it going to make to you on a personal level, when you go through this programme, and you achieve what it is you wanted to.
I want you to stick this somewhere where you will see it every day, so that when you are having a busy day or week and it all feels too much of a struggle to fit everything in, you are reminded of why you signed up and the huge impact you are going to make to the families you serve.
I am asking you to Minimise distractions, think about what you are booking into your diary for the duration of the course. Course nights need to be kept sacred, so you don’t miss out. Use the weeks where there are no lives to make a start on the next module.
Time blocking – make it non-negotiable that between 11-1pm on a Sunday you will do your course work, or 4pm and 7pm on Tuesday. Whatever suits you. It needs to be non-negotiable
Put your phone on Airplane mode!
Pre-plan your diary at the weekend, so that other opportunities don’t clash with the your commitment to the course.
I am going to ask you to focus on expanding your Infant feeding knowledge for these 3 months so that you really get traction and feel accomplished by the time you graduate.
Commit to sharing. The more you put in the more you will get out.
Be supportive, answer peoples queries and questions and ask questions yourself. The rest of the group will support you.
Now answer the questions in the pre-course assignment “Breastfeeding Debrief” document, which you need to download from the left hand menu.
We can’t wait to have you on the course!
Please note we require the background information and consent form returned within 1 hour booking.